
Membership Structure

You can become a member of Pentland Triathletes by paying an annual membership fee.

As a triathlon club we run a number of regular coached training sessions throughout the year. To participate in these training sessions you need to upgrade your membership level from the ‘Basic’  level to ‘Coached’:

  • Basic – Club membership only
  • Coached – Club membership plus unlimited coached training sessions

If you are thinking about joining and have any questions you would like answered; would like to try one of our training sessions prior to joining to see if it is for you, or are about to sign up – please email our membership secretary: and they will provide all the necessary information.

Basic Membership – £30 per year

Benefits include (but are not restricted to):

  • Affiliation to Triathlon Scotland
  • Access to all non-coached training sessions
  • Access to all workshops and events organised by the club
  • Access to club social events
  • Access to Club Forums (hosted in Facebook)
  • Ability to attend and vote at the club AGM
  • Ability to purchase club kit (some of which may be subsidised)

Coached Membership – £165 per year

Coached membership includes basic membership benefits plus enables you to attend unlimited timetabled training sessions throughout the membership year.

The coached membership fees can be paid as 11 monthly instalments of £15, with the first monthly instalment due in October

Coached training sessions include:

Swim sessions  all year round at Balerno High School on a Saturday morning (coached)
Swim sessions  all year round at
the Commonwealth Pool on a Monday evening (session plan provided)
Combined Strength & Conditioning / Spinning Sessions at Engage Gym, Napier, Sighthill on a Tuesday evening.  (October through April)

Further details on the training sessions can be found on the ‘Training‘ page


The membership year runs from September through to August, so fees are due at the beginning of October. If you join the club during the membership year you will have to pay the £30 Basic membership cost plus any pro-rata costs if you elect to participate in coach training sessions.

Payment is made through the Stripe payment system using a credit card, Apple Pay or Google Pay and is taken as a single payment for basic membership and as either a single payment or 11 monthly instalments for coached membership.
We use the Spond Club Management system to manage all our club activities, including payments. If you want to sign up as a new member you first need to read  our data privacy notice:

Next complete the registration process by filling in the registration form and electing the level of membership you wish to sign up for:

Pentland Triathletes – New Member Registration

Once you register you will receive an email confirming this and we aim to approve your membership request within 48 hours.

On approval you will receive a notification to download the Spond App which you will use to:

  • Make payments
  • Signup for training sessions and other activities
  • Participate in group related instant messaging conversations
  • Follow and contribute to posted club related articles
  • Respond to club polls


  • While the coached training sessions are more prevalent during the winter months, we calculate the training fees to cover the costs of these sessions over the membership year. 
  • If you can no longer attend coached training sessions temporarily or permanently  due to unforeseen circumstances (injury, work commitments, moving away from the area etc.) you will not receive a refund on your payment 
  • During the membership year you can upgrade your membership to a higher level on a pro-rata basis, but you cannot down-grade your membership status. 
  • To attend the swim sessions you are expected to be a reasonably competent swimmer – able to swim 100 metres freestyle without stopping. The ratio of coaches to swimmers allows us to coach your swim technique, but we don’t have the capacity to teach you how to swim. Of course you can still join the club and not swim!

Club Documentation

Club Constitution

Welfare Statement

Equality Statement

Code of Conduct